luni, 29 august 2011

Lush- Joy of Jelly Review [RO] & [EN]

I prepared something special for today's review. I'm talking about a product which immediately became my favorite (of course, from it's 'activity domain'). With no other introduction, I present you the amazing Lush's Joy of Jelly!
It smells awesome, it has a lovely color, it... it is the best shower gel I've ever used! By it's name, you've probably realized it's a jelly, a shower jelly. It's so fun to play wash with it! I spent hours and hours playing with it in the bathroom. The child inside of me is really enjoying taking showers with this Joy of Jelly! So, dear mothers, if you have problem washing your kids, I recommend you to use Joy of Jelly!
All of these being said, I want to conclude by saying that this shower gel truly deserves it's name!

Pentru review-ul de astazi v-am pregatit ceva special. Este vorba despre un produs care, dupa prima utilizare, a devenit favoritul meu (pe 'domeniul lui de activitate'). Fara alte comentarii, va prezint minunatul Jeleu de Dus Vegan Joy of Jelly!
Are un miros superb, care lasa pielea parfumata mult, mult timp! Are o culoarea frumoasa! Are... si mai are... are tot ce poti sa ceri de la un gel de dus! In plus, este amuzant! V-ati dat probabil seama ca, dupa nume, este un jeleu, o 'gelatina'. Este atat de distractiv sa de joci speli cu el! Daca l-as fi avut cand eram mica, cred ca nu m-ar mai fi scos mama de la baie! Asa ca, daca aveti probleme cu imbaiatul copiilor, chiar v-ar fi de folos un astfel de gel de dus! Sincera sa fiu, copilul din mine s-a bucurat foarte mult de jeleul Joy of Jelly! Acum stau cu orele in baie si ma joc cu minunea!
Dupa entuziasmul cu care l-am descris sper ca realizati ca nu mai are rost sa dau alte detalii. In concluzie, va spun ca "Jeleul de Bucurie" isi merita intradevar numele. Gasiti "Bucuria Jeleului" la Lush.

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